“Daddy? What’s Wrong With You?? Are You OK??!!??!!!”

My 12 year old’s piercing scream filled my ears…


The crowd at her dance recital gasped as I lurched down the aisle...

My chest felt like it was on FIRE…

Tightening with every second…

I tried to make it to the back of the

room to get away from the crowd.


And that's when I saw the panic on my daughter's face...

I looked over at my wife...

Her eyes want wide...

She shrieked and started to rush over...

"No, no... I'm ok..." - I muttered weakly...

Tunnel vision took me... my eyes felt heavy....


I could feel my body going numb…

Sweat poured down my forehead.

I felt clammy and weak…

And like I had no control of my body.

I faintly heard someone yell:


That was the last thing I remembered before
I woke up in the hospital.
All I remember thinking was… "is this it?"


As I lay there dying… my life flashed before my eyes…

My wife's screams in the background were the last thing I remembered…

Then everything went black.

I dreamed about my family.

My life. My choices. My hopes for the future.

It felt like I dreamed for years…


Until I woke up the next day in the hospital...

My eyes groggily opened to the site of a banana bag full of IV liquids next to my bed.

"Sir, we almost lost you.. . good thing you made it in when you did... otherwise you wouldn't be here...

We performed a double bypass, and put in 4 stints in your heart. Your arteries were SEVERELY blocked…”

The Doctor rambled on after that with a bunch of medical jargon I didn’t
really comprehend at that moment…

Because I was having trouble focusing and getting my bearings…

I was afraid and disoriented.

Then it hit me… I almost left my wife and daughter behind.

The next hour or so was tough…

My wife and daughter sobbed at my bedside…

And then the doctor laid the cards on the table for us.

“Mr. Stevens… I’m afraid if you don’t make some SERIOUS changes regarding
your health…

You’ll probably have another heart attack…

And I don’t know if we’ll be able to bring you back this time.

You’re lucky…

But if I were you… I’d do EVERYTHING I can to turn your life around…

And start taking care of your body and heart the way you need to…”

That day… laying helplessly in the hospital bed, staring with teary eyes at the family I almost lost…

I made a vow… TO NEVER let anything like this happen to me ever again.

I was going to not only make changes in my life…

But I was going to start learning everything I could about the heart and my body.

So I started obsessing… researching… learning about HOW to live a life with a STRONG and healthy heart…

Because I knew I couldn’t let anything like this EVER happen to me again.

This led me to discover a simple 9 second morning heart health ritual…

Which POWERS your heart like nothing else, keeping it beating STRONG like I was in my 30’s again.

Now… if you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s… and have been thinking more about your heart health recently…

Or have a loved one who has…

The next few minutes could save your life

You see, that one fateful collapse
COMPLETELY changed my life…

I’m about to reveal EXACTLY how
I took back control of my heart health


Through Harvard backed research which led to the creation of the perfect heart health cocktail…

Full of the 4 key nutrients my heart needed to balance out and work the way it’s supposed to…

So I don’t have to worry about it.

Harvard’s 9 second morning heart health cocktail.

Which helps me keep my blood pressure down…

Essentially rewinding my internal “clock”.


5 years ago, I nearly died in my wife and daughter’s arms at the age of 42…

But now, I feel like a new man.

I have a pep in my step, more energy throughout the day…

It’s like I’m in my early 30’s again.

And it’s all because I KNOW my heart is beating STRONG.

I can FEEL the power… the raw potential of the blood coursing through my veins.
I haven’t felt this good in YEARS

And I’ll let you in on a little secret…


All you have to do is TURBOCHARGE your heart the way I did.

This new holistic approach to heart health doesn’t have anything to do with dieting, exercise, or taking a ton of pills…

But before I tell you exactly what this 9 second heart POWERING morning turbocharge is all about…

Let me ask you a quick vquestion…

Because what we’re talking about IS LITERALLY life and death.

So ask yourself…

Are you or someone you love next?
  • Did you know that 1 in 5 deaths in the United States are related to heart disease?
  • And that high blood pressure is a leading cause of strokes and heart attacks?

The good news is that there is something you can do to protect yourself.


A way to naturally combat heart complications or stroke concerns…

That stems from erratic blood pressure levels.

An approach that naturally relaxes your heart blood vessels.

Now you’ve been told that in order to bring your blood pressure down…

You need to cut out most of the “bad for you” food and drinks….

ESPECIALLY salty foods that you love…

And start eating soul-destroying salads and bland vegetables all day, every day….

You need to cut out most of the “bad for you” food and drinks….

Then you have to commit to mind-numbing sweaty workouts …


Talk about depressing.

That’s not much of a life, is it?

Living trapped by harsh restrictions certainly is no way to live…

Like what are the health police going to want you to do next, go on a sex ban?

Or maybe go on a COMPLETE fun elimination program?

Today, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t need to be this way…

You too can still continue doing everything you love...

AND continue to lower your blood pressure…


Until it’s in a stable and healthy range.

JUST by consuming these 4 delicious filling nutrients once a day.

They could LITERALLY save your life…

Or the life of a loved one.

So don’t ignore this warning – high blood pressure is a silent killer….

But with the right nutrients, you can keep it in check and lower your risk of stroke or heart attack.


Hi, my name is Henry, I live in Ohio with my beautiful wife and two kids.

I’m just a regular guy who was shocked into a harsh reality I couldn’t ignore…

Like a lot of men, I blew off my health for longer than I should have…

Blindly taking pills I was told to by my doctor WITHOUT verifying their viability.

The result? A whole bunch of pills that did almost NOTHING to stabilize my highly erratic blood pressure.


Where’d that get me?

In the hospital… clinging to life.

A whole lot of men around my age do the same thing…

And think that they’re “good” because they’re taking their Big Pharma pushed pill.

That’s why I took action. pI started researching EXACTLY what natural alternatives to Big Pharma’s “heart health” pills were out there…

And what I discovered shocked me!

I found out that MOST heart “medications”
are just high doses of ONE vital nutrient…

That Big Pharma companies push doctors to promote.


Ever heard of pharmaceutical reps?

That’s their whole job, to wine and dine doctors into whipping out their prescription pads whenever a patient needs a pill.

But your heart NEEDS MORE than just the high dosage prescribed pills…

Now, if Big Pharma had its way…

Before you know it… you’d be stuck choking down 5-10 “medications” a day…

Just to feel normal and live your life.


Now, I’m not saying medications are bad… far from it…

But like tens of millions of men nationwide… I was taking a bunch of pills…

Without questioning WHY…

Just because they were prescribed to me…

By doctors who were pushed by pharmaceutical representatives who just wanted to make their sales quota…

And back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s…


Regulators couldn’t keep up with all the latest “health innovations” that Big Pharma put out to the market…

So tens of millions of people ended up taking basically worthless pills…

That got pushed through before regulations were in place to make sure due diligence was done on the efficacy of the pills.

Now we have a whole population filled with people whose heart health is in jeopardy…


Because decades of “solutions” were pushed onto the public.

The good news is that there are natural alternatives, and these can help you.

You DON’T need to commit to a life of Big Pharma pills and bland diets…

There are nutrients out there that can naturally relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure…

Most people don’t know you can actually get the exact heart health BOOSTING nutrients in just 9 seconds a day.

Which is why I created this short but powerful video presentation…


To help as many people as I can start now and get ahead of the blood pressure game before it’s too late.

Before an ambulance is carting you off in front of your loved ones…

Or before you have to see someone you love on that gurney.

By taking this morning heart cocktail, you could save yourself from stroke or heart attack in the future…


Not to mention other blood pressure related health issues…

Like vision impairment or loss, sexual dysfunction, or kidney issues.

But that’s not all… because your body is one giant organic machine…

Like a clock, filled with all the springs, dials, and intricate gears.

When one is jammed up, or broken…

The clock stops, or operates incorrectly.

Now… your “ticker” keeps your blood pumping…


And without that regulated blood, your organs would shut down.

Which is the worst case situation…

But preparing for the worst doesn’t make you an alarmist… or pessimistic.

Because there are A TON of everyday health benefits you’ll reap just from “being prepared” about your blood pressure.

NOW… I don’t want to alarm you…

But every minute that passes… where your blood pressure is STILL high…


Is another minute heading down the wrong path…

Toward total heart catastrophe.

Your arteries strained and overworked…

Almost like a ticking time bomb.

Now you might not know this… There is good news.

It's now ENTIRELY possible to get your heart ticking the way it’s supposed to in just 9 seconds a day…

Allowing your arteries to reset back into their natural, healthy state…

And causing your high blood pressure to PLUMMET as if it was NEVER high in the first place…

Let’s face it… High blood pressure is an extremely serious condition…

Claiming more lives than any other condition or all infectious diseases combined.


It can bring a lot of stress and anxiety and is extremely dangerous…

Fortunately, it is now possible to reset high blood pressure in just 9 seconds a day…

Returning the arteries to their natural and healthy state.

Regardless of your diet… genetics… how old you are… or how little you exercise.

And it has NOTHING to do with pills… exercise… strict diets… useless supplements… or ANYTHING like that.


Your ticker’s optimization all hinges on ONE gene in your body we’ve nicknamed your “reset gene”.

This is a gene that’s fully active in every tissue of your body when you’re young…

Keeping your arteries loose and relaxed…

Your blood pressure healthy…

Protecting your cells, and even giving you a child-like energy and vitality.

Unfortunately as we get older, this gene begins to “turn off”...

Kind of like a light switch…

When that happens… Your arteries become tight and irregular…

Causing your blood pressure to soar higher and higher…


Leaving you vulnerable to various diseases including cardiovascular disease…

Basically causing you to actually age FASTER.

By essentially speeding up your heart’s “clock”.

But the moment you turn this reset gene back “on”…

With this simple 9 second morning ritual I’m about to reveal to you…

You’ll quickly be able to trigger a process in your body known as a “vaso-reset”...

Where all those tightened and stiff arteries return to their healthy state…

RELEASING all that tension and strain being put on your arteries and heart…

So you can FINALLY take back over your control of your blood pressure…

ENDING the constant stress-cycle that you struggle with daily…

Giving you a new found sense of PEACE over your future health…

So you can get back to LIVING your life on your terms.

Almost sounds too good to be true right? I used to think that too…


But the second I was able to reactivate my own “reset gene” using this simple 9 second science-backed method…

I was AMAZED… and quickly became a believer…

And now I’m sharing my discovery with you, and the world.

You see, my high blood pressure dropped FASTER and EASIER than I ever thought was possible…

RELIEF and SERENITY washed over me for the first time in years.

Pay CLOSE attention to the remainder of this brief presentation…

It could very well save your life, or the life of a loved one.

I’m about to show you how to quickly turn your “reset gene” back on.

When you do, you’ll FINALLY get your numbers back down to healthy levels and KEEP them there…

Doesn’t matter how old you are
How high your blood pressure is
Or how many times you’ve tried various medications or ways to lower it
You’re also about to learn WHY scientists are now SURE that this gene is the KEY
To live a long, healthy AND active life
You’ll also hear from some of the THOUSANDS of health conscious people who are already using this little 9 second method
To get their blood pressure under control for the first time in YEARS

People who have left us reviews like:


Works! images

Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2022

“Got the ten-point drop I wanted. No side effects.”


It works! images

Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2022

“It lowered my blood pressure from 197/120 to 129/81”


Lowers blood pressure naturally images

Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2023

“Easy to swallow capsules and the product works without any side effects.”

images images

These are just a handful of the INCREDIBLE testimonials this 9 second ritual has created.


Your story can be just like theirs…

A story where you’re finally FREE from the constant anxiety and worry that comes from “living” with high blood pressure…

A life without worrying about your daily number.

WITHOUT feeling like you have to have your blood pressure monitor around…

Now that fateful day changed everything for me… and I was terrified.

But as weird as it sounds, I thank GOD everyday it happened.

Because at that moment…

I realized that if I don't make a change soon…

My high blood pressure WOULD eventually kill me.

And I made a PLEDGE to myself that I was going to do WHATEVER it took to help myself, my father, and others…


Get their blood pressure back down under 120/80…

And KEEP it there.

Why? Because I was DONE dealing with being shackled to blood pressure…

DONE checking numbers throughout the day…

I didn’t want to live a life where I was forced to take tons of meds a day…

Or skip red meat, salty foods, or anything else I enjoyed that I wasn’t “supposed to have”.

I didn’t want to feel like I had no control…

Or just give in and take a bunch of pills.


I wanted to take a more natural, healthier approach to keeping my heart ticking strong…

There HAD to be something out there other than medication that truly worked.

So I spent the time I wasn’t working on endless hours of research.

I poured over HUNDREDS of scientific studies…

Digging for ANYTHING that could help me naturally lower my blood pressure.

After all… I’m not a scientist… I’m just a regular guy who was committed…


So then I reached out to researchers at over a dozen labs…

And spoke to professors at prestigious colleges…

I even spent thousands of dollars on trial and error…

Basically my life’s savings…

Testing, purchasing equipment, and the raw ingredients.

My wife was fed up… thought I was obsessing…

In reality… I was burning out.

Tired of failing.

Nearly at my wit’s end.

I almost gave up… because it was frustrating and really difficult…


Because everything I read was basically just regurgitating the same information.

Lower your salt intake… exercise daily… eat a healthy and balanced diet…

And of course talk to your doctor about medication.

ALL things I was ALREADY doing with almost no success.

Sure, there were some natural solutions out there that promised to lower blood pressure…

Various supplements… foreign herbs… and weird foods that I had never heard of.

But the truth is… nothing was really convincing.


Everything seemed like a bandaid approach at best to a SERIOUS long term problem.

And I KNEW that they weren’t going to work the way I needed them to.

But I didn’t give up.

I kept searching.

After a few more months of digging, testing, talking to researchers…

And reaching out to dozens more medical institutions…

I stumbled across a new approach to blood pressure relief that changed my life.

An obscure Harvard research paper cited the merits of combining certain phytonutrients…

Once combined… These power nutrients FUEL your heart.

Keeping it beating strong and pumping out blood like it did in your 30’s.

Harvard research that supports using six key ingredients on a daily basis…

Which, when used together, act like a sort of combination lock.

This startling discovery made me rethink EVERYTHING I’d ever been told about high blood pressure.

I immediately tested it!


And then took my discovery cocktail’s effectiveness.

Well let me tell you… I couldn’t believe how straightforward, yet effective this solution was…

Because it revealed that the REAL root cause of high blood pressure was actually quite SIMPLE…

And could be fixed as EASILY as turning on a switch…

Leaving me stunned that I hadn’t heard about it before.

And for the first time in years…

I started feeling hopeful again.

Like this was EXACTLY what would give me a second lease on life…

And put an end to that frustrating stress cycle I woke up to every day.

Let me walk you through how this all works…

Stick with me for a few short minutes while I explain the science behind it…

Because it’s CRUCIAL you understand a quick overview of how POWERFUL this will be for your day to day life.

Let’s start with the basics…

images images
When your heart beats, it pumps blood through the vascular system via the arteries
Your arteries are smooth and flexible, allowing them to easily expand and contract as blood flows through it
Delivering that blood to other parts of the body along with vital energy, oxygen and nutrients

The blood pushes against the sides of your arteries

Your blood’s “power” level is your blood pressure.


Kind of like a nuclear power plant… when you have “too much” power built up…

A system wide collapse (and potentially an explosion) could happen.

High blood pressure puts extra strain on your arteries and your heart.

Not a big deal for a short period of time…

But if you let it continue to strain your system…

That build up in your arteries DAMAGES almost all of your organs…

Especially the brain, kidneys, heart, and arteries themselves… Which can lead to a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, and much more.

That’s why the term “silent killer” was coined…

Because the “power build up” in your arteries can be quiet… but deadly.

About 1 in 3 U.S. adults with high blood pressure have NO CLUE they have it… until it’s too late.

And it’s NO joke.


High blood pressure contributes to OVER 1,000 deaths a day…

Which means from the time you started this video…

Roughly 8 people have died from high blood pressure…

3 of those people probably NEVER even knew they had it.

That’s terrifying to think about…


Oxford scientists say that for every 20-point increase in systolic blood pressure (the larger "top" number)

The death rate from cardiovascular disease DOUBLES.

Studies from The Australian National University also reveal that people with high blood pressure are at risk of accelerated brain aging…

Which is HUGE… because these studies also show that optimal blood pressure helps our brains stay younger than our actual age.

So why is our blood pressure so high as we get older, even IF we’re in relatively good health?

You may have NEVER been given a clear answer before.

Maybe you’ve been told that you just need to start eating better and exercising more…

Or that it's just genetics…

Or to seriously lower your salt intake and go on meds.

New research from geneticist David Sinclair out of the prestigious Harvard Medical School suggests…

The truth is actually MUCH simpler…


A SINGLE gene in your bodcalled “SIRTUIN 1” is your longevity gene.

It’s known as the "reset-gene".

But here’s the problem…

When you’re young, this "reset-gene" is in full gear and working hard in virtually every part of your body…

To protect your vascular system, cells and DNA…

Along with keeping your blood pressure in check… preventing disease… and keeping you feeling young and healthy.


Unfortunately as you get older, this gene “turns off”.

And that’s when things can get scary.

Because when your "reset-gene" starts to decline in the body…

Kind of like pressing the “gas” on aging, ESPECIALLY vascular aging.

Increasing oxidative stress, inflammation, and lower nitric oxide levels…

All of which are ESSENTIAL for a healthy vascular system.

But the WORST part is, it causes that “irregular ticker effect” I spoke of earlier…

Where your arteries become strangled, stiff and tight… Narrow and rigid…

Unable to expand naturally with your blood flow.

When your arteries can’t expand,
your blood pressure skyrockets.

Scientists found that when the "reset-gene" is knocked out of laboratory mice…

Nearly HALF of them died BEFORE they were even born…

And of those who lived…

Only about 20% reach maturity and end up small, infertile, and prone to

diseases of the eye, brain, and heart.

And if this is what happens with mice…

I don’t even want to know what would happen if a newborn baby didn’t have this gene.


Crazy what kind of devastating effects can result from a single missing gene.

Which is why it’s so SCARY that this gene fades away as we get older.

Because it’s not only CRUCIAL for healthy blood pressure…

But for virtually every area of your health, including the aging process.

And as happy as I was to finally have a clear answer behind my constant high blood pressure…

It also kind of terrified me. I realized IF this gene really was becoming more and more dormant in my body…

Things were only going to get worse, unless I did something about it… And FAST.

Then I came across some REALLY good news.


See, genes are like switches in the body that can be turned on and off.

According to renowned Harvard biologists and longevity experts…

It’s now possible to turn on your body’s own "reset-gene" at ANY age…

When you do, you can essentially STOP vascular aging in its tracks.

Resetting your vascular system, including your arteries…

Making them youthful and healthy once again.

Instead of having stiff arteries that cause high blood pressure…

Your arteries instead open up and expand back to their normal healthy state…

Allowing the blood flow to open up throughout your arteries…

Dropping high blood pressure…

Freeing your arteries from the “power build up”... so they can stabilize.

Just think to yourself right now… in this moment as you’re listening to my voice…

How much of a RELIEF would that be?

IF you knew your "reset-gene" was working full force like when you were a kid…

It wouldn’t just be amazing for your blood pressure…

But like being handed a GOLDEN TICKET to living a long, healthy and active lifestyle…

Rewinding your internal “clock”...

Helping you to FEEL years younger than you actually are.

The only question is…

HOW can you actually activate your "reset-gene"?


There’s actually a few ways…

You could embrace intermittent fasting where you basically don’t eat anything for 16+ hours per day…

And hope that method is effective…

Or doesn’t have any unforeseen health effects.

Another potential option is to just hit the gym for a few extra hours a day…

That has been shown to help regulate blood pressure by switching your reset gene “on”... IF you follow certain intense workout routines.


But you’d pretty much have to hit the gym 7 days a week.

Which is honestly dangerous for anyone with blood pressure problems.

The third option is the best, fuel.

Remember, your blood pressure is like a power measuring system for your heart…

IF you give your body the right kind of fuel, so it can self regulate your power system…

Then your arteries won’t struggle from the irregular blood flow.

You won’t have to worry about your blood pressure anymore.

The best part? This fuel is a natural cluster of ingredients…


There’s actually a group of ingredients that CAN turn these genes on and off.

Called “phytonutrients”.

They’re 100% natural and EXTREMELY good for you.

There’s over 4,000 phytonutrients in nature, all of which turn on various genes in our bodies…

Some improve our immune system function… some reduce inflammation… some prevent various diseases… and so on.

In other words, they basically give us “health superpowers”.

But what’s amazing is, of those 4,000 phytonutrients…

A select few of them have been scientifically proven to turn on your "reset-gene"...

While providing incredible blood pressure-lowering AND stabilizing abilities.


And not only are they remarkably effective for activating your "reset-gene" and sinking your blood pressure…

But they also do it FASTER and EASIER than the other approaches…

Like starving yourself, hitting the gym everyday, or crazy diets.

Now… Unfortunately you can’t just pick up these “phytonutrients” at your local grocery store.

Some of them aren’t easy to come by…

But there’s SIX in particular that contain the phytonutrients responsible for turning on your "reset-gene" at ANY age.

THE KEY is to get these six in the right form… and in the right doses.

According to researchers at Johns Hopkins…

They’re the pillars of heart health.

The first is beet root powder… Because it’s one of the only plants that contains nitrates…

Which is a molecule that helps vasodilate your blood vessels and increase healthy blood flow.

This is CRUCIAL because without regular consistent blood flow…

you’re at higher risk for a heart attack.

The second is aged black garlic extract.

Its function is to reduce your arterial stiffness, and your blood’s “stickiness”.

That way your arteries don’t get clogged up.

Clogged arteries can lead to long term damage, and in some cases…

Even means surgeries to insert metal stents in your body to keep your blood flowing.


The third powerhouse ingredient you need is hawthorn berry powder.

This protects your heart against disease and high cholesterol...

Increasing your coronary artery blood flow and circulation.

So your “ticker” stays healthy for years and years to come.

Next we added Coq10 which has been shown to help alleviate heart stress…


Especially for those already on prescribed medication, or who have had any heart procedures done.

This is a basic, but ESSENTIAL binding agent for our life saving formulation.

Then there’s an absorption MUST HAVE… That helps your body properly break down and distribute these six ingredients.

It’s called Beta Cyclodextrin.

It’s sole job is to make this powerhouse formulation MORE bioavailable


Which means it’ll work effectively, and quickly, to help you stabalize your blood pressure on a daily basis.

Next up, L-theanine. The naturally occurring, non-protein amino acid that has been shown to help reduce blood pressure, and limit stress.

Lastly, the Hawthorn berry. This wonder berry has been used for centuries to help protect against heart disease, control high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Studies suggest this increases coronary artery blood flow and improves circulation.

When you combine these together in THE RIGHT dosages...

You can almost GUARANTEE that your blood pressure numbers are healthy for years to come.

I knew that it could potentially be the greatest blood pressure breakthrough in DECADES.


The only problem was, finding all these compounds in their most potent form was tough as it is…

But I couldn’t find ANYTHING out there that had all six of them together.

So that’s when I took matters into my own hands.

I started getting in touch with different health manufacturers…

Trying to find someone who could get these rare compounds and combine them into something incredible in the right doses…

Until I finally realized the truth.

I needed to oversee the combination of these life saving ingredients myself…

Instead of trusting it to someone else.

Why? Because I wanted to ensure HIGH quality in collaboration with a long standing manufacturer.

Together we created a formula that
contains all six of these “gene-reset”
activators in their highest and
most potent form.

I know how HARD it is for most people to lower their blood pressure and keep it low…

And I didn’t want to leave ANY room for doubt.

Like I said before, my goal was to create a blood pressure solution that was virtually GUARANTEED to work


No matter how old you are, how high your blood pressure is… or how matter how old you are, how high your blood pressure is… or how.

Which is why I decided to add SIX natural, science-backed ingredients…

Something that I was SURE could help me and millions of others lower their blood pressure…

And possibly even feel as healthy as someone 10 or 20 years younger… Well into their golden years.

The only thing left to do was to try it for myself.

Now even though my hopes were high,
I still couldn’t help but feel skeptical.


I had already been burned SO many times…

And every time I had measured my BP, I was disappointed how high it remained…

And how much closer I felt to ending up in the hospital, or worse.

So when a couple days passed and my blood pressure was still the same … I started getting a little worried.

Of course, that wasn’t enough time to make any assumptions.

And it’s a good thing I didn’t

Because after about four days of using the formula…

I KNEW my pressure-release gene HAD to be heading back into full gear.

I probably took my blood pressure fifteen times that day and EVERY time…

My blood pressure had been lower than I’d seen it in years.

And as each day passed, things only got better.

In fact, before I knew it, my blood pressure was back UNDER 120/80

consistently for the first time in nearly a decade.

My anxiety was fading away quicker than I could have ever imagined…

And I felt HEALTHY again.

But most importantly, I felt like myself again.

I was no longer terrified to check my blood pressure…

I was feeling more ALIVE than I could have imagined…

Finally enjoying a glass or two of wine with dinner…

And with more energy than I knew what to do with.

I was finally loving life again as if it was starting all over.

Even my wife saw the difference.

I was no longer the anxious, stressed out mess that I had been for so long.

And I couldn’t WAIT to get it into as many hands as possible so that others just like me could have similar results.

The good news, I didn’t have to wait long.

Within a couple weeks of releasing it to the public, I had people reaching out and THANKING me.

Here’s what a few had to say


This stuff works images

Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2022

“Wow! Really works! In 3 days had me at 120/83 :)”


It really works images

Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2022

“Wow, we love this product. Really works!!”


Excellent images

Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2023

“Excellent product my spouse’s life has changed ”


10 star images

Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2022

“This product has made a big difference to my high blood pressure. I have tried others until I saw and read the reviews. I will stay on this one for sure.”


All that hard work was paying off better than I could have dreamed…

And I knew we had created something of a miracle that could help people from ALL walks of life.

Which is why I’m SO happy to share it with you today

It’s called BP120.

And it’s the ONLY blood pressure solution that fully activates your "reset-gene" with ZERO dangerous side effects…

All while sinking AND stabilizing your blood pressure… Securing your health and vitality for years to come.


Just take one capsule twice per day.

I like to take one in the morning with breakfast and one right before bed…

But you can take it whenever you want…

Containing your blood pressure has NEVER been easier...

Takes just 9 seconds.

Like I said, it contains 4 natural and scientifically proven ingredients that are backed by DOZENS of clinical studies.

That means there are ZERO filler ingredients…

And no extra “crap” added to the formula.

We knew that there was nothing more we needed to add because BP120 works better than ANYTHING we’ve seen.

I guess that’s what happens when you take proven science and powerful ingredients backed by ACTUAL evidence…

As well as real people that have seen incredible results.

In fact, since its release, BP120 has helped THOUSANDS of men and women get their blood pressure back to healthy numbers faster than they ever thought possible.

Here’s a few of their stories:


Excellent Product! It works as promised!Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2023 images

“BP120 is the only natural blood pressure supplement I have found that actually works! It keeps my blood pres-sure normal and I have not experienced any side effects. If you're on the fence about it, I highly recommend trying it!”


Great natural product Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2022 images

“I bought this product for my dad, he has a blood pres-sure problem and always likes to try natural products with no success. It had been 6 days since he tried and he loves it. Highly recommended.”


This actually works. Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2022 images

“I have borderline high blood pressure, and this supplement is quite effective. I would recommend it, unhesitatingly.”


It works Reviewed in the United States on February 9, 2023 images

“Did not want to give a review until I tried these for a few days. It's helping bring my blood pressure down.”

I honestly get so excited
every time I read these…

Why? Because I LOVE hearing
how we’re helping people…

And I can’t wait for YOU
to try this natural breakthrough
solution for yourself.


Because once you get your blood pressure back in control…

You can get back to ENJOYING life again…

WITHOUT constant anxiety and fear…

Or worrying that something BAD could happen to you at any moment…

All while feeling better and more ALIVE than you have in years.

Which means you can keep taking it for as long as you need to get your blood pressure under control and keep it there.

Just imagine checking your
blood pressure each day…

And seeing those glorious numbers as
ow and as healthy as ever.

Not just once, or every once in a while…

But every time you check them.


How much better would you FEEL?

How much MORE peaceful will you be?

When you don’t have to stress over your blood pressure…

And as you wave goodbye to ANY fatigue, headaches and other dreadful side effects that have been plaguing you.

Plus you won’t have to feel GUILTY or ASHAMED because of your high blood pressure…

Because as you know by now… it’s truly not your fault.

Or feel like a burden to your loved ones.

And soon, you won’t even be thinking about it anymore.

How great does that sound?

Now with that in mind, let's talk about HOW you can get your hands on BP120 today.


First, you should know that BP120 uses only the highest quality ingredients…

Many of which are expensive and not always so easy to come by.

It’s manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility and every single bottle is handled with great pride and care.

Because we don’t cut ANY corners.

We promise you only the best possible formula for your blood pressure…


Something unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.

But with a product as proven and effective as it is…

It’s no secret that BP120 isn’t some $20 heart health “solution” you might find at a pharmacy or Walmart.

BUT I wanted to make it affordable to as many people in need as I could…

And when you consider what it can actually do for you…

I think you’d agree that it’s worth the price tag…


IF it means securing your health for years to come.

Just think of the FREEDOM you’ll feel when you’re no longer tied down to your high blood pres-sure…

When you no longer have to fear for your life…

Or be stuck swallowing different medications with potentially TERRIBLE side effects.

Think of how much better life is going to be…

Doing the things you LOVE to do and spending time with your favorite people in the world…

Without thinking about your blood pressure.

I don’t think anyone could put a price tag on that.

And once you compare BP120 to other so-called solutions that are out there…


You’ll quickly realize how much of a no-brainer it is.

But as you know by now, I know the struggle you’ve been going through.

And considering that our goal is to get BP120 into as many hands as humanly possible…

We wanted to make SURE that every person that wants it can afford it.

Which is why today and only while you’re watching…

You won’t have to pay hundreds of dollars for the premium ingre-dients we’ve talked about today…

You won’t even have to pay $100…

I’m going to offer you a chance to get it right now, today…

For a special price, only available through this presentation, and ONLY to new members of our BP120 community.


Because I know since you’ve made it this far in the video how SERIOUS you are about getting your blood pressure under control…

And how ready you are to experience the same life-chang-ing results that have helped thousands of others from 40 all the way to 95 years old.

We’re offering you a one-time chance to try BP120 for the lowest price we’ve offered it.

My only ask is that once you do try it and see how much of a change it makes not just for your blood pressure but for your life in general…

That you write in and tell me about your success story.

Sounds like a deal?

I do have to warn you though that this truly is the ONLY place and time you will ever see BP120 for this cheap.

Which means if you leave this page without securing your supply, you’ll be forced to pay full price on our website.

That’s the LAST thing I want to happen.

You won't find this deal on Amazon or anywhere else

But here’s where things get even better…


As effective as BP120 is and how quickly it works…

I’ve noticed that the people who see the absolute best and most life-changing results with BP120...

Are those who take it consistently every single day for at LEAST 90 days.

When you do, you’re allowing the proven ingredients to fully absorb into your body…

Giving it the best chance to fully activate your "reset-gene"
Lower your blood pressure
And keep it down for good
In fact, the longer you take it, the better you’ll feel

From there, it’s just about maintaining your results and continuing to take it the same way you would with a multivitamin.

That way you KNOW that you’re keeping those ingredients surging through your body and protecting you for years to come.

So here’s my #1 recommendation for everyone looking to try BP120

Something that can actually save you even MORE money on top of the already insane discount you’re getting today…

While keeping your blood pressure and overall health in the best shape possible.

I call it our “bulk savings discount”

This is an ADDITIONAL discount on top of the one you are already getting.


By doing so, we’re able to ship those bottles together in one package rather than separately over time, which saves on costs…

Allowing us to pass those savings on to you

It also ensures that you get the best possible results from BP120 for months to come…

While saving you from potential future out-of-stocks as well…

Which, with the current global supply chain issues, has become a lot more common than we’d like.

And I always hate it when people get incredible results with BP120 and can’t wait to order more…

Only to find out that we have no inventory.

So that’s why I always say, the more you buy the better.

Not to mention it also comes with FREE shipping that way.

So don’t feel hesitant to stock up and save.

ESPECIALLY because of what I’m about to tell you next.

You see, I’m so confident that the rapid results you’re about to get from BP120 will be so life-changing…

I’m giving you a one-time opportunity to try this powerful blend of research-backed ingredients 100% risk-free.

images images images

That means if for any reason you aren’t LOVING every second of your new life with BP120

The consistency of healthy blood pressure numbers…

That feeling of freedom and peace that comes with it…

And the overall improvement in your quality of life…

If you decide that for whatever reason it’s not right for you…

My team will give you a FULL refund on your order with NO hassles and NO questions asked.


You don’t even have to return the bottles.

Just try it for the next 90 days and YOU decide whether it’s worth the investment.

Because I know how hard it can be to find a REAL solution that gives you REAL results like BP120

And I want to make this decision as EASY as possible for you.

So just scroll down below and choose the multiple month supply option or whatever sounds best to you…

And after doing so, you’ll be taken to a completely secure checkout page.

Just click the button below and select your best option.


And our team in the warehouse will get your supply ready to ship right to your doorstep…

It should only take a few business days…

But you’ll also receive updates through your email so you can track your package.

Once your order arrives, just take one capsule twice per day…

And above all, make sure to stay consistent for at least the next 60 days.

But you should start to notice the results within as little as the first week or two if not sooner.

If you’re still on the fence…

Just ask yourself this ONE question…

How much longer are you WILLING to go on like this?


Because for me, I couldn’t take another second of the constant anxiety, fear and FRUSTRATION…

And it would be awful to see you continue suffering with no end in sight…

Stuck with prescriptions that leave you feeling worse than you started…

Waking up each day and feeling that all too familiar stress kick in…

Dreading the thought of having to check your blood pressure numbers.

You don’t deserve to go on like this.

So while it’s totally up to you what you do…

I sincerely hope you take that leap and secure your future by getting your supply of BP120 today.

You truly have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

But it’s REALLY important that you don’t wait.

If you make the mistake of leaving this page without securing your supply of BP120


This discount will disappear and you’ll be forced to pay full price later on our website.

And like I said, I really don’t want that to happen.

The choice is obviously yours…

images But I sincerely hope you join myself and thousands of others in securing your blood pressure now

So that you can live a happy and healthy lifestyle for years to come FREE from the constant anxiety that comes with high blood pressure.

If that’s something you want, just click the button below this video now!

Choose our multiple month supply option.

And you’ll be so glad you did… or your money back.

I cannot WAIT to hear how much and how quickly it changes your life for the better.